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De: RGirard321@aol.com
Título: Arcturus Bks April Collection Part 12
Fecha: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:09:43 EDT
Para: COOLGEYSER@aol.com
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Dear Customers,
Here are 10 more pages of interesting books from the collections we're offering.

Bob Girard

                                              ARCTURUS BOOKS INC.
           1443 SE PORT ST. LUCIE BLVD.      PORT ST. LUCIE FL 34952 USA                                    
   PHONE:  772-398-0796        FAX:  772-337-1701      E-MAIL:  rgirard321@aol.com


1409.  Anderson, Joan W.  WHERE ANGELS WALK.  Barton & Brett, 1992.  HC, 1st ed., 210pp, VG, dj, true angel stories.  $10.00

1410.  (Anonymous).  THE MESSAGE OF ANNE SIMON.  The Gorlham Press, 1920.  HC, 1st ed., 145pp.  Some pencil bracketing & underlining, cover soil, gen. good copy, uncommon, $12

1411.  (Anonymous).  THE SECOND MESSAGE OF ANNE SIMON.  Gorham Press, 1920, HC, 159pp, sequel to previous book.  VG copy, $12.00

1412.  (Anonymous).  LIFE IN A THOUSAND WORLDS.  HC, 344pp.  Title page, if any, removed.  May have been written by Rev. W. S. Harris (frontispiece).  Spirit  journeys.  Reader, $10

1413.  (Anonymous).  TALKING WITH ANGELS.  Daimon Verlag, 1988.  Trade soft, 445pp, 1st ed.  "A Document from Hungary Translated by Gitta Mallasz."  Good +, $10.00

1414.  Atwater, P.M.H.  COMING BACK TO LIFE.  THE AFTER-EFFECTS OF THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE.  Dodd, Mead, 1988.  HC, 1st ed.  Inscribed by Author ("Phyllis").  VG, dj, $16

1415.  Bailey, E.H.  THE PRENATAL EPOCH.  Foulsham, 1916.  HC, 239pp, 1st ed.  Astrological study.  Hinges very tender or cracking, good study copy, $10.00

1416.  Bander, Peter.  VOICES FROM THE TAPES.  Drake, 1973.  HC,  1st ed., 167pp, VG, dj, $10

1417.  Banejee, H.N., and Oursler, Will.  LIVES UNLIMITED: REINCARNATION EAST AND WEST.  Doubleday, 1974.  HC, 1st ed., 187pp, good +, dj, $8.00

1418.  Barbanell, Sylvia.  WHEN YOUR ANIMAL DIES.  Spiritualist Pr., 1961. HC, later prtg, good, dj, $10

1419.  Barker, Elsa.  LETTERS FROM A LIVING DEAD MAN.  Mitchell Kennerly, 1915.  HC, 291pp, apparent 1st ed.  Via automatic writing.  Spine lean, fair copy.  $10.00

1420.  Bazett, L.M.  AFTER-DEATH COMMUNICATIONS.  Holt, 1920.  HC, 1st ed., 119pp.  Examples of.  VG for age, $12.00

1421.  Beard, Paul.  LIVING ON.  Allen & Unwin, 1980.  Special edition.  HC, 202pp, good, no dj, $8

1422.  Bernstein, Morey.  THE SEARCH FOR BRIDEY MURPHY.  Doubleday, 1958.  HC, later prtg, 258pp, good in chipped dj, $8.00

1423.  Borgia, Anthony.  3-Volume Boxed Set:  LIFE IN THE WORLD UNSEEN;  MORE ABOUT LIFE IN THE WORLD UNSEEN;  HERE AND HEREAFTER.  Citadel, 1960.  3 vols each about 160pp, uniformly bound, in slipcase.  Fine without jackets.  $18.00

1424.  Brian, Denis.  JEANE DIXON: THE WITNESSES.  Doubleday, 1976.  HC, 1st ed., VG, dj, $8

1425.  Cahagnet, L. A.  THE CELESTIAL TELEGRAPH, OR, SECRETS OF THE LIFE TO COME REVEALED THROUGH MAGNETISM.  J.S. Redfield, 1851.  HC, 2 vols in 1, 180, 230pp, 1st American edition.  Reports on 86 deceased people.  Good, solid copy, only 1 on the net now (at $250 in poor condition), we'll ask $150.00 for ours. 

1426.  Carrington, Hereward.   THE CASE FOR PSYCHIC SURVIVAL.  Citadel, 1957.  HC, 1st am. Ed., 157pp.  Paper browned badly, handle gently.  Owner name stamp on EPs.  $10.00

1427.  Carrington, Hereward, and Meader, John R.  DEATH: ITS CAUSES AND PHENOMENA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMMORTALITY.  Rider, 1911.  HC, 1st ed., 552pp, hinges tender but good copy nonetheless-handle carefully.  $75.00

1428.  Cerminara, Gina.  MANY MANSIONS.  W. Sloane, 1962.  HC, 13th prtg, 304pp, VG, dj, $7.00

1429.  Clarke, Ida Clyde.  MEN WHO WOULDN'T STAY DEAD.  B. Ackerman, 1945.  HC, 1st ed., 288pp, good in rubbed jacket.  $14.00

1430.  Conacher, Douglas.  CHAPTERS OF EXPERIENCE DICTATED FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.  F. Muller, 1973.  HC, reader, upper corner chewed off , else VG, dj, $4.00

1431.  Colton, Ann Ree.  MEN IN WHITE APPAREL.  Arc Pub. Co., 1961.  HC, 2nd ed., 202pp, good in dj, $8.00

1432.  Cooke, Ivan, ed.  THE RETURN OF ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE.  White Eagle Publishing Trust, 1956.  HC, 1st ed., 203pp, purported messages from beyond.  Fair, some pencil bracketing, a few turned page corners, $8.00

1433.  Cranston, Sylvia, and Williams, Carey.  REINCARNATION: A NEW HORIZON IN SCIENCE, RELIGION AND SOCIETY.  Julian Pr., 1984.  HC, 4th prtg, 384pp, good in dj, $10.00

1434.  Cummins, Geraldine.  MIND IN LIFE AND DEATH.  Aquarian Pr., 1956.  HC, 1st ed., 270pp, paper aging, just good in frayed & chipped dj.  $12.00

1435.  Currie, Ian.  YOU CANNOT DIE.  Methuen, 1978.  HC, 1st ed., 288pp, VG, dj, $8.00

1436.  Curtiss, Harriette and Homer.  REALMS OF THE LIVING DEAD: A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF LIFE AFTER DEATH.  Curtiss Philosophical Book Co., 252pp.  HC, 1st ed., good copy, $20

1437.  Dailey, A.H.  MOLLY FANCHER: THE BROOKLYN ENIGMA.  The Author, 1894.  HC, 1st ed., 262pp.  "An Authentic Statement of Facts."  Front hinge cracked, cloth chewed at spine top, still fair copy, $15.00

1438.  DeCamp, Etta.  THE RETURN OF FRANK R. STOCKTON.  Macoy, 1913.  HC, 1st ed., 314pp.  good copy, automatic writing, $15.00

1439.  Delacour, Jean-Baptiste.  GLIMPSES OF THE BEYOND.  Delacorte, 1973.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., 216pp, Vg, dj, $7.00

1440.  Dethlefsen, Thorwald.  VOICES FROM OTHER LIVES.  M. Evans, 1977.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., 235pp, reincarnation as a source of healing.  VG, dj, $10.00

1441.  Doyle, Arthur Conan.  THE NEW REVELATION.  G. H. Doran, 1918.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., 122pp, the author of Sherlock Holmes novels was keenly interested in the Beyond.  Good, $15.00

1442.  _____.  THE VITAL MESSAGE.  G. H. Doran, 1919.  HC, 164pp, good, no dj, $15.00

1443.  _____.  PHENEAS SPEAKS.  G. H. Doran, 1927.  HC, 1st ed., 199pp.  Direct spirit communication into the Pheneas family circle.  Good, $15.00

1444.  Ebon, Martin, ed.  COMMUNICATING WITH THE DEAD.  N.A.L., 1988.  HC, 1st ed., 211pp, don't underestimate these potboilers-they can be very hard to find hardcover.  VG, dj, $10

1445.  Eddy, Sherwood.  YOU WILL SURVIVE AFTER DEATH.  Rinehart, 1950.  HC, 1st ed., 210pp, much worn in worn dj, $8.00

1446.  Edwards, Harry.  THE TRUTH ABOUT SIRITUAL HEALING.  Spiritualist Pr., 1956.  HC, 1st ed., 153pp.  Signed by Author.  Just good in worn & frayed jacket.  $15.00

1447.  Ellis, D.J.  THE MEDIUMSHIP OF THE TAPE RECORDER.  The Author, 1978.  Softcover, 161pp, probably the best how-to book there is for EVP-but who uses tape recorders nowadays??  VG, $15.00

1448.  Fleckles, Elliott V.  WILLIE SPEAKS OUT: THE PSYCHIC WORLD OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN.  Llewellyn, 1974.  HC, 1st ed., 226pp.  Lincoln's involvement with mediums & spiritualists during the Civil War.  Inscribed by Author.  Good in dj, unusual book!  $20.00

1449.  Flammarion, Camille.  DEATH AND ITS MYSTERY: PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE SOUL.  Century, 1921.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., 322pp, Cloth soiled lightly, else good, $25.00

1450.  Franchezzo.  A WANDERER IN THE SPIRIT LANDS.  Progressive Thinkers Pob. Co., 1910. HC, 1st ed., 286pp.  Fair copy, cloth somewhat soiled, worn, hinge tender.  $15.00

1451.  Garrett, Eileen J.  DOES MAN SURVIVE DEATH?  Helix Pr., 1957.  HC, 1st ed, 204pp, dj, $12

1452.  Greber, Johannes.  COMMUNICATION WITH THE SPIRIT WORLD OF GOD.  Johannes Greber Memorial Fdn, 1970.  HC, 4th ed., 432pp.  Good in chipped / nibbled dj, $20.00

1453.  Guirdham, Arthur.  THE CATHARS AND REINCARNATION: THE RECORD OF A PAST LIFE IN THIRTEENTH-CENTURY FRANCE.  Turnstone, 1982. Trade soft, 208p, VG, one instance of marginalia, $15.00

1454.  Hall, Manly P.  REINCARNATION: THE CYCLE OF NECESSITY.  PRS, 1978.  HC, later prtg, 224pp, VG in chipped dj.  $14.00

1455.  _____.  THE INNER LIVES OF MINERALS, KPLANTS AND ANIMALS.  PRS, 1973.  Glossy Bklt, 31pp, fine, $5.00

1456.  Hettinger, J. TELEPATHY AND SPIRITUALISM. Rider, 1952.  HC, 1st ed., 150p, good, dj, $15

1457.  Hill, J. Arthur.  MAN IS A SPIRIT.  G.H. Doran, 1918.  HC, 1st ed., 199pp, good copy, $12

1458.  Hodson, Geoffrey.  REINCARNATION: FACT OR FALLACY?  Quest, 1967, soft, 83p, VG, $6

1459.  Holzer, Hans.  LIFE AFTER DEATH: THE CHALLENGE AND THE EVIDENCE.  Bobbs Merrill, 1969.  HC, 1st prtg, 175pp, VG, dj, $10.00

1460.  Hyslop, James H.  CONTACT WITH THE OTHER WORLD: THE LATEST EVIDENCE AS TO COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD.  Century, 1919.  HC, 1st ed., 493p, cloth soiled or discolored, still solid copy, $25.00

1461.  Kardec, Allan.  THE SPIRITS' BOOK.  L.A.K.E., no date.  HC, 432pp.  Rear board has been wet, doesn't show much, still good reading copy, $10.00

1462.  King, Beti.  A PSYCHIC'S TRUE STORY.  Desert Specialties, 1976.  Spiral bound, 46pp, gets into life after death, UFOs, etc.  Good, $8.00

1463.  King, Godfre Ray.  UNVEILED MYSTERIES.    St. Germain Press, 1935.  HC, 260pp, Good, solid copy of this "I Am" book.  $15.00

1464.  Kueshana, Eklal.  THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER.  The Stelle Group, 1982.  Trade soft, about 400pp, reader, underlining & bracketing throughout.  Re apocalyptic changes in??(uh oh) 2001.  $4.00

1465.  Leadbeater, C.W.  THE HIDDEN SIDE OF THINGS.  T.P.H., 1919.  HC, reader, poor condition, 648pp, Theosophical classic.  $5.00

1466.  _____. CLAIRVOYANCE.  T.P.H., 1918.  HC, reader, much silverfishing, text o.k., $4.00

1467.  LeBeau, Mary.  BEYOND DOUBT: A RECORD OF PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE.  Harper, 1956.  HC, 179pp, good, dj, $5.00

1468.  Lodge, Oliver.  PAST YEARS: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY.  Scribner's, 1932.  HC, 1st ed., 364p, good +, nice & solid, $15.00

1469.  _____.  RAYMOND, OR LIFE AND DEATH.  G. H. Doran, 1916.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., 404pp, good +  copy, $15.00

1470.  _____.  THE MAKIING OF MAN: A STUDY OF EVOLUTION.  Hodder & Stoughton, 1925.  HC, later prtg, 185pp.  Good in quite good jacket.  $18.00

1471.  _____.  WHY I BELIEVE IN PERSONAL IMMORTALITY.  Cassell, 1928.  HC, 3rd prtg, 151pp, fair, spine darkened, some cover soil, $7.00

1472.  _____.  THE SUBSTANCE OF FAITHALLIED WITH SCIENCE.  Methuen, 1907.  HC,  1st ed., 135pp, philosophy.  Edges foxed, gen. good copy, $10.00

1473.  _____.  THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL.  Ball Pub. Co., 1908.  HC, apparent 1st ed., 101pp, newspaper photo of Lodge pasted to front pastedown.  VG, $15.00

1474.  Longo, Rosalie.  ARE THE DEAD TRYING TO REACH THE LIVING?  Offprint, booklet, 9pp, featuring 3 articles on the theme from the Paterson News, Paterson NJ, Sept. 1975.  Folds, $3

1475.  McCabe, Joseph.  SPIRITUALISM: A POPULAR HISTORY FROM 1847.  Dodd, Mead, 1920.  HC, 1st ed., 243pp, lettering completely faded, still a fair to good copy, $18.00

1476.  McAdams, Elizabeth, and Bayless, Raymond.  LIFE AFTER DEATH: PARAPSYCHOLOGISTS LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE.  Nelson Hall, 1981.  HC, 1st prtg, 157pp, VG, dj, $10.00

1477.  _____.  SAME. Another copy, in shrinkwrap, but hole in wrap in jacket, no damage to book. $9

1478.  Mitchell, Roy.  THE EXILE OF THE SOUL: THE CASE FOR TWO SOULS IN THE CONSTITUTION OF EVERY MAN.  Prometheus, 1983.  Trade soft, 338pp, cover soil, can be washed off, else good, $5.00

1479.  Moberly, C.A.E., and Jourdain, E. F.  AN ADVENTURE.  Coward McCann, no date.  HC, 12mo, 118pp, foldout plans at rear.  Apparent 1s Am. Ed.  Good + in good + jacket.  $20.00

1480.  Moody, Raymond A.  LIFE AFTER LIFE.  Stackpole, 1976.  HC, apparent 1st ed., 125pp., VG, in like jacket, $8.00

1481.  Monty, Shirlee.  MAY'S BOY.  Thomas Nelson, 1981.  HC, 1st ed., 186pp.  Story of Leslie Lemske, an idiot savant, and his extraordinary musical gift.  Signed by Author and by Mr. & Mrs. Lenske (for Leslie, who apparently cannot write).  Good in slightly torn dj, $18.00

1482.  Moses, William Stainton.  SPIRIT TEACHINGS.  London Spiritualist Alliance, 1920.  HC, 291pp, 9th ed.  Good copy, spine faded somewhat.  $15.00

1483.  Olcott, Henry S.  PEOPLE FROM THE OTHER WORLD.  Charles Tuttle, 1972.  HC, 492pp, facsimile reprint of 1875 original.  Famous text from early Blavatsky associate.  VG, no dj, $35

1484.  W.T.P.  PRIVATE DOWDING.  J. Watkins, 1918.  HC, 4th ed., 116pp.  Occasional underlining, else fair copy of story of Brit doughboy killed in WWI.  $7.00

1485.  Price, Harry.  STELLA C.: AN ACCOUNT OF SOME ORIGINAL EXPERIMENTS IN PSYCHICAL RESEARCH.  Hurst & Blackett, 1925.  HC, 1st ed., 106pp, good copy, $25.00

1486.  Prince, Walter Franklin.  THE CASE OF PATIENCE WORTH.  University, 1964.  HC, reprint of 1927 original, 509pp, a fine copy of this classic, in like dj.  $40.00

1487.  Raudive, Konstantin.  BREAKTHROUGH: AN AMAZING EXPERIMENT IN ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD.  Taplinger, 1971. HC, 1st Am. Ed., 391pp, good, dj, $27

1488.  Rayna, Ruth.  REINCARNATION AND SCIENCE.  Sterling, 1973.  HC, 1st ed., 264pp, paper browning somewhat, still good + in jacket, Inscribed by Author, $20.00

1489.  Ring, Kenneth.  HEADING TOWARD OMEGA.  Morrow, 1985, trade soft, 348pp, good, $5.00

1490.  _____.  LIFE AT DEATH: A SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE.  Coward, McCann & Geoghan, 1980.  HC, 1st ed., 310pp, VG, dj, $12.00

1491.  Ritchie, Geogre G.  RETURN FROM TOMORROW.  Chosen Bks, 1978.  HC, 124pp.  Doctor's 9-minute NDE leads him on a trip with Jesus to different worlds.  VG, dj, $10

1492.  Robbins, Anne Manning.  PAST AND PRESENT WITH MRS. PIPER.  Holt, 1922.  HC, 1st ed., 280pp, VG copy.  $20.00

1493.  Rogo, D. Scott.  THE WELCOMING SILENCE.  University, 1973.  HC, 1st ed., 191pp, VG, $14

1494.  Rogo & Bayless.  PHONE CALLS FROM THE DEAD.  Prentice Hall, 1979.  HC, 1st prtg, 172pp, VG, dj, price sticker on jacket.  $20.00

1495.  Ryall, Edward W.  BORN TWICE: TOTAL RECALL OF A SEVENTH-CENTURY LIFE.  Harper &I Row, 1974.  HC, 1st ed., 214pp.  Good + in dj, $10.00

1496.  Sabom, Michael B.  RECOLLECTIONS OF DEATH.  Harper & Row, 1982. HC, 2nd prtg, 224pp, VG, dj, $10.00

1497.  Salter, Mrs. W.H.  EVIDENCE FOR TELEPATHY: THE RESPONSE TO A BROADCAST REQUEST FOR CASES.  Sidgwick & Jackson, 1934.  Cardboard covers, 87pp, fair, $14.00

1498.  Sharp, Harold.  ANIMALS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD.  Spiritualist Ass'n of Britain, 1966, bklt, 38pp, VG, $6.00

1499.  Shaver, Ruth.  SHE FOLLOWS THE PSYCHIC PATH.  Vantage, 1964.  HC, 1st ed., 48pp, inscribed by author.  Experiences of her sister.  Vg, DJ, $10.00

1500.  _____, and Jones, Jessie Shaver.  PSYCHCI VISTAS.  Vantage, 1967.  HC, 1st ed., 118pp, Signed by Ruth Shaver.  Vg, dj, $10.00

1501.  Sheargold, Richard K.  HINTS ON RECEIVING THE VOICE PHENOMENON.  The Author, 1973.  Small bklt, 12pp.  Notes on front cover, else good, $6.00

1502.  Shelton, Harriet M.  ABRAHAM LINCOLN RETURNS.  Evans Publishing, 1957.  HC, 1st ed., 232pp + ilus.  Godo in dj, $12.00

1503.  Sherman, Harold.  YOU LIVE AFTER DEATH.  Merit Publications, 1949.  HC, 2nd prtg, 205pp, good, dj, $10.00

1504.  _____.  THE DEAD ARE ALIVE.  The Author, 1981.  Trade softbound, 1st ed., 288pp.  Scarce self-published title, Signed by Author, slight cover discoloration, else good, $16.00

1505.  Sikorsky, Igor.  THE INVISIBLE ENCOUNTER.  Scribner's, 1947.  HC, 1st ed., 120pp, good in jacket, $12.00

1506.  Smith, Hester T.  VOICES FROM THE VOID.  Dutton, 1919.  HC, 1st ed., 164pp, "6 years' experiences with automatic communication."  Good, no jacket, $10.00

1507.  Smith, Suzy.  THE MEDIUMSHIP OF MUS. LEONARD.  University, 1964.  HC, bk. Club ed., 235pp, VG, dj, $5.00

1508.  Smith, W. Whately.  THE FOUNDATONS OF SPIRITUALISM.  Dutton, 1920. HC, 1st ed, 123pp,  VG for age, $12.00

1509.  Stead, W. T.  AFTER DEATH: NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION OF LETTERS FROM JULIA.  G. H. Doran, 1914.  HC, 204pp, some pages, including title page poorly opened. $9

1510.  Sterns, Justin.  OSRU: A TALE OF MANY INCARNATIONS.  Lenox Publishing, 1910.  HC, 197pp, reincarnation novel.  Cover very soiled, reader, $5.00

1511.  Stevenson, Ian.  TWENTY CASES SUGGESTIVE OF REICARNATION.  Acad. For Psychical Research, 1966.  HC, 362pp, 1st ed.  A classic, good condition, no jacket, $25.00

1512.  Stone, W. Clement, AND Browning, Norma L.  THE OTHE SIDE OF THE MIND.  P-H, 1964.  HC, 1st ed, 226pp, Inscribed by Norma Browning, good in torn dj, $15.00

1513.  Tabori, Paul.  PIONEERS OF THE UNSEEN.  Taplinger, 1972. HC, 1st ed., 243pp, VG, dj, $10

1514.  Talbot, Michael.  YOR PAST LIVES: A REINCARNATION HANDBOOK.  Harmony, 1987.  HC, 1st ed., 195pp, fine in dj, $8.00
1515.  Vincent, Howell S.  LIGHTED PASSAGE.  Dorrance, 1943.  HC, 1st ed., 240pp, VG, dj, follow the light.  $10.00

1516.  Von Klenner, Katharine.  THE GREATER REVELATION.  Siebel Publishing, 1925.  HC, 1st ed., 259pp, survival of death.  Good + for age in torn & chipped dj, $15.00

1517.  Taylor, J. Traill.  THE VEIL LIFTED.  Amherst Pr., no date.  Softbound, 160pp, reprint, alleged spirit photography.  Good, $10.00

1518.  Todeschi, Kevin J.  EDGAR CAYCE ON THE AKASHIC RECORDS.  A.R.E., 1998.  Trade soft, 181pp, fine, $8.00

1519.  Walker, E.D.  REINCARNATION: A STUDY OF FORGOTTEN TRUTH.  Theosophical Publishing, 1911.  HC, reprint, 350pp, very good copy, much of interest, $20.00

1520.  Walker, J. E.  THE BLESSED DEAD IN PARADISE.  Eliot Stock, 1891.  HC, 1st ed., 305pp.  Reading copy, hinges cracked, handle carefully.  $10.00

1521.  Wambach, Helen.  RELIVING THE PAST: THE EVIDENCE UNDER HYPNOSIS.  Harper & Row, 1978.  HC, 1st prtg, 200pp, VG, dj, $10.00

1522.  White, John.  A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DEATH & DYING.  Quest, 1980, soft, 171pp, VG, $5

1523.  Wilson, E.V.  THE TRUTHS OF SPIRITUALISM.  Progressive Thinker, 1896.  HC, later ed., 400pp, reader, ex-library, hinges broken, $6.00

SCIENCE:  Astronomy, Free Energy, Tesla, etc. 

1524.  Ackerman, John.  TO CATCH A FLYING STAR: A SCIENTIFIC THEORY OF UFOS.  Univelt, 1989.  Trade soft, 143pp, Inscribed by Author, good + condition, $15.00

1525.  Agricola, Georgius.  DE RE METALLICA.  Dover, 638pp, facsimile reprint of the Hoover translation of this 1566 original.  Text in English.  Many woodcuts.  This wonderful treatise about 16th century knowledge of metals, mining and smelting still fascinates-and who knows how much "lost ancient wisdom" is to be found in its pages.  VG in jacket, $85.00

1526.  Alexandersson, Olof.  LIVING WATER: VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER AND THE SECRETS OF NATURAL ENERGY.  Turnstone, 1982.  Trade soft, 160pp, VG+, $10.00

1527.  Atwater, P.M.H.  THE MAGICAL LANGUAGE OF RUNES.  Bear, 1990. Soft, 188p, fine, $7

1528.  Babbitt, Edwin.  THE PRINCIPLES OF LIGHT AND COLOR.  University, 1967.  HC, reprint of 1878 original, 271pp,  VG kin torn dj, $30.00

1529.  Baker, Robin.  HUMAN NAVIGATION AND THE SIXTH SENSE.  S&S, 1981.  HC, 1st prtg, 138pp, fine in dj, $12.00

1530.  Barber, Adam D.  THE COMING DISASTER WORSE THAN THE H-BOMB.  The Author, 1957.  8 ½ x 11, 49pp, 4th ed., stapled wraps.  Large booklet format, this being a harangue about the coming polar flop.  VG, scarce, $20.00

1531.  Barker, Ralph.  GREAT MYSTERIES OF THE AIR.  Macmillan, 1967.  HC, 211pp.  1st Am. Ed.  The guy never heard of flying saucers, apparently.  Good in dj, $15.00

1532.  Barrett, Wm., and Bestermann, Theodore.  THE DIVINING ROD.  University, 1968.  HC, 336pp, reprint of 1926 original.  One of the best divining rod books.  Good in torn dj, $25.00

1533.  Bearden, Thomas E.  ANALYSIS OF SCALAR / ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY.  Tesla Bk Co., 1990.  Lg. spiral bound, 134pp, fine, $18.00

1534.  _____, and Michrowski, Andrew, eds.  THE EMERGING ENERGY SCIENCE: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY.  Planetary Ass'n for Clean Energy, 1985.  Trade soft, 315pp, with 1508 entries.  VG, scarce, $30.00

1535.  Becker, Robert O., and Selden, Gary.  THE BODY ELECTRIC: ELECTROMAGNETISM AND THE FOUNDATION OF LIFE.  Morrow, 1985.  HC, 1st ed., 364pp, VG, dj, $15.00

1536.  Bell, A.H., ed.  PRACTICAL DOWSING: A SYMPOSIUM.  G. Bell, 1965.  HC, 1st ed., 198pp.  15 papers on aspects of dowsing.  VG, dj, $20.00

1537.  Bellamy, H.S.  MOONS, MYTHS AND MAN.  Faber & Faber, 1936.  HC, 1st ed., 351pp, good copy, no jacket, re Hans Hoerbiger's fire & Ice theories.  $20.00

1538.  Bergquist, N.O.  THE MOON PUZZLE: A CLASSICAL THEORY REVIVED AND STRENGTHENED.  Grafisk Forlag, 1954.  HC, 1st Eng. Edition, 378pp.  According to the new "Who Built the Moon" book by Knight & Butler, all theories have once again been discarded-except theirs.  Scarce book, fair in poor jacket, $35.00

1539.  Besant, Annie.  THE ANCIENT WISDOM.  Theosophical Press, 1928.  HC, reprint, 343pp, good, solid copy, $12.00

1540.  Besterman, Theodore.  CRYSTAL-GAZING.  University, 1965.  HC, 1st ed., 183pp, VG, dj, $18

1541.  Bird, Christopher.  THE DIVINING HAND: THE 500-YEAR OLD MYSTERY OF DOWSING.  Dutton, 1979. Lg. HC, 340pp, 1st prtg.  Best dowsing book ever.  VG, torn dj, $25.00

1542.  Brown, Hugh Auchincloss.  CATACLYSMS OF THE EARTH.  Twayne, 1967.  HC, 1st ed., 281pp, boosting the case for catastrophism.  VG, dj, $15.00

1543.  Busson & Leroy.  THE LAST SECRETS OF EARTH.  Putnam, 1956.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., with UFO chapter.  Slight nibble to board & jacket at lower right, just a fair copy, $10.00

1544.  Cahill, Robert E.  NEW ENGLAND'S WITCHES & WIZARDS.  Chandler-Smith, '83, soaft, $7

1545.  Callahan, Philip S.  ANCIENT MYSTERIES, MODERN VISIONS: THE MAGNETIC LIFE OF AGRICULTURE.  Acres USA.  Trade soft, 142pp, 1st ed.  re magnetism and plant growth.  Signed by Author.  Vg, SCARCE, $18.00

1546.  Canning, John, ed.  FIFTY TRUE MYSTERIES OF THE SEA.  Stein & Day, 1980.  HC, 477pp, good in dj, $12.00

1547.  Carus, Paul.  CHINESE ASTROLOGY.  Open Court, 1974.  Trade soft, 135pp, VG, $6.00

1548.  Catran, Jack.  IS THERE INTELLIGENT LIFE ON EARTH?  Lidiraven Bks, 1980.  HC, 1st ed., 220pp, paper aging a bit, still fine in dj, $15.00

1549.  Cheney, Margaret. TESLA: MAN OUT OF TIME.  P-H, 1981.  HC, 1st ed., 320pp, VG, dj, $23

1550.  Cayce, Hugh Lynn.  EARTH CHANGES UPDATE.  A.R.E., 1981.  Trade soft, 2nd prtg, VG, $6

1551.  Childress, David H., ed.  ANTI-GRAVITY AND THE UNIFIED FIELD.  AUP, 1990, lg. softbound, 1st prtg, cover dirty, can be washed off, gen. good copy, $8.00

1552.  Del Rey, Lester.  THE MYSTERIOUS SKY.  Chilton, 1964.  HC, 1st ed., 183pp, not what you'd expect from the famous sci-fi author-a straight pop-science treatment!  VG , dj sl. Torn.  $25

1553.  _____. THE MYSTERIOUS SEA. Chilton, 1968.  HC, 3rd prtg, 198pp, like above, fine in dj, $25

1554.  Dickenson, Joel, and Cook, Robert.  THE DEATH OF ROCKETRY.  CIP Systems, 1980.  Lg. softbound, 122pp.  No more need for rocketry-the authors' new free energy system takes care of all.  Good, bit of rubbinf & corner creases, $18.00

1555.  Dunninger.  THE ART OF THOUGHT-READING.  The Author, 1956.  Large mag format, 42pp, VG+, probably a scarce '50s show-biz tie-in, $30.00

1556.  Eden, Jerome.  ORGONE ENERGY.  Exposition, 1972.  HC, 1st ed., 156pp.  Except for acidification of pastedowns, this would be like new in jacket.  $25.00

1557.  (Faraday, Michael)  (no author given)  THE EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE.  Cosmos Publishing, 1924.  HC, apparent 1st ed., 176pp, allegedly received from the great scientist, Michael Faraday.  Good, eover lettering faded in places.  $10.00

1558.  Fiedler, Leslie.  FREAKS: MYTHS & IMAGES OF THE SECRET SELF.  S&S, 1978.  HC, 1st prtg, 367pp, good in dj, 2 small holes in dj spine.  Human oddities & monsters.  $16.00

1559.  Flammarion, Camille.  THE UNKNOWN.  Harper's, 1900.  HC, 1st Am. Ed., 487pp.  Re psychic enigmas, telepathy, etc.  Waterstains in various places on the outside, clean on the inside. $35

1560.  Flanagan, G. Pat.  PYRAMID POWER.  Pyramid Publishers, 1973.  HC, 1st ed., 173p, VG, dj, $15.00

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